Community Led Total Sanitation, widely known as CLTS emerged as a powerful methodology in the early 2000s and has since then provided successful examples of sustainable change in sanitation and hygiene behaviour of local communities across Asia (South, South East, East Asia and the Pacific), Africa and Latin America. CLTS has been instrumental in enhancing access to sanitation for millions of people across the developing world, during the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) era. By the end of the MDG period, CLTS was institutionalized in the national sanitation policy of the governments of more than 65 nations worldwide and rolled out as the key implementation strategy in over 40 countries across Asia (South, East and Pacific), Africa and Latin America.

This seminar focuses on Dr. Kar’s recent book Scaling Up CLTS: From Village to Nation published by Practical Action, UK.  The book encompassed lessons from the experiences of incorporating and institutionalizing CLTS into large-scale sanitation programmes and the evolution of the approach around the world. The seminar focuses on the need of the hour, i.e., scaling-up and institutionalization of the CLTS approach to fast-track access to sanitation by the countries in achieving the SDG 6.2 by 2030.

Through this seminar, Dr. Kar engages with the audience for a discussion on different possible avenues where CLTS can be piggybacked. It also focuses on community-centric tools and techniques of the CLTS methodology that can be adapted to fast track other Sustainable Development Goals of leaving no one behind.